Hello i'm

Alin Ortiz

Software Engineer.

About Me

As a software developer, I'm committed to continuous learning and staying up-to-date with the latest technologies. Recently, I've been focusing on React, Swift, and UIKit to enhance my skills and add new technologies to my portfolio. With my growing knowledge and expertise in these technologies, I'm confident that I'm setting myself up for success in the competitive field of software development. I'm excited to apply my skills to build innovative and efficient software solutions that meet the needs of users across different platforms.

What I am Expert In

My Skills

IOS Development

Swift, UiKit, SwiftUI.

Programming Languages

Swift, Javascript, Python and Kotlin.


React, Foundation, MapKit, Angular.

Latest Projects

Real Estate Project

Rental Home, Explore Apartments, Vills, Homes and more

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Contact Me!

Feel free to reach out!

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